Summary showing number of pages with their summary
>>comment<< [[#searchsummary]] (:template first:) (:template first {=$Group}:) [[#{=$Group}]] [[{=$Groupspaced}/]] [--((:pagelist fmt=count group={=$Group} list=normal:) pages)--] [- {{=$Group}/$:Summary}{{=$Group}/$Description} -]\\ (:template each:) (:if ! equal {=$Name} {$DefaultName} :) -> [[{=$Group}/{=$Namespaced}]] [- {=$:Summary}{=$Description} -] (:ifend:) [[#searchsummaryend]] >><< ---- (:pagelist group=PmWiki fmt=#searchsummary list=normal count=6:) |
Pm Wiki (106 pages) Access Keys Access keys are keyboard shortcuts for tasks that would otherwise require a mouse
Audiences Patrick Michaud's comments regarding the "audiences" for which PmWiki was designed
Auth User Authorization system that uses usernames and passwords
Available Actions All PmWiki page actions (?action=) and other query parameters
Backup And Restore background information and some basic backup and restore procedures
Basic Editing PmWiki's basic edit syntaxPmWiki's basic editing rules
Summary showing number of pages with their summary
>>comment<< [[#summary]] (:template first:) (:template first {=$Group}:) [[#{=$Group}]] !!! [[{=$Groupspaced}/]] [--((:pagelist fmt=count group={=$Group} list=normal:) pages)--] [- {{=$Group}/$:Summary}{{=$Group}/$Description} -] (:template each:) (:if ! equal {=$Name} {$DefaultName} :) -> [[{=$Group}/{=$Namespaced}]] [- {=$:Summary}{=$Description} -] (:ifend:) [[#summaryend]] >><< ---- (:pagelist group=PmWiki fmt=#summary list=normal count=6:) |
Pm Wiki (106 pages)Access Keys Access keys are keyboard shortcuts for tasks that would otherwise require a mouse
Audiences Patrick Michaud's comments regarding the "audiences" for which PmWiki was designed
Auth User Authorization system that uses usernames and passwords
Available Actions All PmWiki page actions (?action=) and other query parameters
Backup And Restore background information and some basic backup and restore procedures
Basic Editing PmWiki's basic edit syntaxPmWiki's basic editing rules
Group summary showing number of groups with their summary from the groups default page
>>comment<< [[#groupsummary]] (:template first:) (:template first {=$Group}:) [[#{=$Group}]] -> [[{=$Groupspaced}/]] [- {{=$Group}/$:Summary}{{=$Group}/$Description} -] [[#groupsummaryend]] >><< ---- (:pagelist group=* fmt=#groupsummary list=normal count=6:) |
Site map showing number of pages
>>comment<< [[#sitemap]] (:template first:) !! Sitemap [--((:pagelist fmt=count list=normal:) pages)--] (:template first {=$Group}:) [[#{=$Group}]] !!! [[{=$Groupspaced}/]] [--((:pagelist fmt=count group={=$Group} list=normal:) pages)--] [- {{=$Group}/$:Summary}{{=$Group}/$Description} -] (:template each:) (:if ! equal {=$Name} {$DefaultName} :) -< [[{=$Group}/{=$Namespaced}]] [- {=$:Summary}{=$Description} -] (:ifend:) [[#sitemapend]] >><< ---- (:pagelist group=PmWiki fmt=#sitemap list=normal count=6:) | Sitemap (127 pages)
Pm Wiki (106 pages)Access Keys Access keys are keyboard shortcuts for tasks that would otherwise require a mouse
Audiences Patrick Michaud's comments regarding the "audiences" for which PmWiki was designed
Auth User Authorization system that uses usernames and passwords
Available Actions All PmWiki page actions (?action=) and other query parameters
Backup And Restore background information and some basic backup and restore procedures
Basic Editing PmWiki's basic edit syntaxPmWiki's basic editing rules